The world has lots of not so Teen-y topics ; but who is talking about them?

Teen-y is the podcast where we tackle, discuss and investigate the not so Teen-y topics through the lens of storytelling and conversation. Expanding the scope of media to tell the full story is our goal at Teen-y pod, and you to can become a part of that community of engaged learners by listening.

 Teen-y is a Webby Award Honoree

For the category of ‘Podcast, Best Individual Episode- Documentary’ , Teen-y has been honored with being presented as an honoree of that category. Please check out the link below to listen to the episode and see Teen-y on the Webby Website! Thank you all so much. You all (the listeners) have made this all possible.

Our Favorite Episodes

  • See Us. Hear Us. Respect Us.

    January 14th Students in SPS walked out. The day started in fog, and ended in brilliant light. This is a story of being seen

  • Camp Selves

    What happens when you spend all summer being someone else? What do you find out about yourself, who you were, and the world around you?

  • Enough

    There seems to be this idea of what it means to be enough, that overwhelms us on a daily basis. What does it mean for you to be enough?

Meet Syd

Syd is the host, producer, and editor of Teen-y. She created Teen-y as a platform for the stories and narratives that she and others long to tell. If you want to learn more about Syd’s work and other projects visit the ‘Meet the Team’ tab to learn all about her!

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