Find X Project & Teen-y

What may not be known about me is that I love to write, perhaps this is clear given the narrative style of my podcasts, but in any event that it is not, I love to write. I love to write so much in fact that I taught a semester long creative writing class at Nova High School. The class was called All the Letters I Never Sent which ended up being the name of my first anthology. This class and later book were both a project surrounding the question of how we can using writing as a space for healing through the medium of letter writing. The project was so influential in my life that is has pushed me to work on another project similar but on a much larger scale, Find X. Find X is a project that is working to create space for stories to be common ground rather than a battle ground through twelve prompts. These prompts have been sent to people all around the country, and are on Find X’s website for anyone who may stumble across it to find. The main project is an anthology of essays, but the other component is a four episode series podcast surrounding ideas of fracture, stories, and hope.

The collection of audio for the project will occur in July 2023 and the podcast will air in August 2023. The series will follow the creation of Find X following the theme of this nations fracture and what it looks like to use story as a way of healing our relations and resetting our foundation. Interviews with authors will be the basis for the structure of the podcast and authors can indicate interest in possibly being intrerviewed by filling out this form.

More information to come on the production of this project.


NPR Student Podcast Challenge